Currently interested in

Web security

Udacity Designing RESTful APIs - Lesson 4: Securing your API

Also in this course: HEAD operation allows you to allocate your memory

HTTPS = HTTP + TLS (Transport layer security)

How to Test HTTP/2 Push using Google Chrome

Udacity Client-Server Communication - Lesson 3: HTTPS

Also in this course: Password recovery、Rate limiting(用Redis來做)

Spring Boot Security - Introduction to OAuth2

Spring Boot - Securing Web Applications

Spring Boot - OAuth2 with JWT

Create an OAuth Server

Using JWT with Spring Security OAuth

Spring Boot Security + JWT ''Hello World'' Example

Spring boot

Q: How to setup spring boot datasource dynamically?

Multiple DataSource

Spring Boot Security Password Encoding using Bcrypt Encoder

Q: How to save password using bcrypt?


Spring Boot Security Password Encoding using Bcrypt Encoder

Cron job on spring boot

Long polling

How to implement Long Polling REST endpoint in Spring Boot app?

Designing RESTful APIs

Designing RESTful APIs - udacity - Lesson 5: Writing Developer-Friendly APIs

Also in this course: Versioning your api, Using proper URL

Authentication & Authorization: OAuth

Session Hijacking

Building RESTful Web Services - tutorialspoint


Spring Boot - Rest Controller Unit Test

Send SMS message


Spring Boot - Twilio - tutorialspoint

Last updated