Lesson 2: The Document Object Model

Update Existing Page Content

1. Update an Element's Inner HTML


The .innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content inside the selected element (i.e. between the tags).


There's also the rarely used .outerHTML property. .outerHTML represents the HTML element itself, as well as its children.

<h1 id="pick-me">Greetings To <span>All</span>!</h1>

const innerResults = document.querySelector('#pick-me').innerHTML;
console.log(innerResults); // logs the string: "Greetings To <span>All</span>!"

const outerResults = document.querySelector('#pick-me').outerHTML;
console.log(outerResults); // logs the string: "<h1 id="pick-me">Greetings To <span>All</span>!</h1>"


myElement.innerHTML = 'The <strong>Greatest</strong> Ice Cream Flavors';

2. Update an Element's Text Content

So .innerHTML will get/set an element's HTML content. If we just want the text content, we can use the fantastically named .textContent property!

The .textContent property will:

  • set the text content of an element and all its descendants

  • return the text content of an element and all its descendants

Check out the .textContent's documentation page on MDN: textContent docs


nanodegreeCard.textContent = "I will be the updated text for the nanodegreeCard element!";

textContent會把內容當作plain text輸出,而innerHTML則會parse內文的html tag。

3. An Element's Text Content - Version 2!

.innerText will get the visible text of the element. If CSS is used to hide any text inside that element, .innerText will not return that text, while .textContent will return it.

innerText顯示apply css之後的文字,而textContent則回傳apply css之前的文字。

Add New Page Content


1. Adding Content To The Page

As you've already discovered, the .createElement() method is a method on the document object:




// creates and returns a <span> element

// creates and returns an <h3> element

createElement只是建立新增的element,針對想要新增的element target呼叫appendChild才會新增element上去:

// create a brand new <span> element
const newSpan = document.createElement('span');

// select the first (main) heading of the page
const mainHeading = document.querySelector('h1');

// add the <span> element as the last child element of the main heading

.appendChild() Needs An Element!

This is stated above, but I wanted to call this out, specifically. When you're using the .appendChild() method, it must be called on an existing element. To be clear, you can't call this on the document object, so the following will result in an error:

const newSpan = document.createElement('span');

// causes an error

2. Creating Text Nodes


  • creates a paragraph element

  • creates a text node

  • appends the text node to the paragraph

  • appends the paragraph to the tag

const myPara = document.createElement('p');
const textOfParagraph = document.createTextNode('I am the text for the paragraph!');



const myPara = document.createElement('p');

myPara.textContent = 'I am the text for the paragraph!';


3. Inserting HTML In Other Locations



Enter the .insertAdjacentHTML() method! The .insertAdjacentHTML() method has to be called with two arguments:

  • the location of the HTML

  • the HTML text that is going to be inserted

The first argument to this method will let us insert the new HTML in one of four different locations

  • beforebegin – inserts the HTML text as a previous sibling

  • afterbegin – inserts the HTML text as the first child

  • beforeend – inserts the HTML text as the last child

  • afterend – inserts the HTML text as a following sibling

<!-- beforebegin -->
    <!-- afterbegin -->
    Existing text/HTML content
    <!-- beforeend -->
<!-- afterend -->

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